3 Reasons to Use Wallpaper
Wallpaper has been popular since the time of the Renaissance as a way to add color to walls and brightness to a room. Today, wallpaper is used to do the same thing to spaces. There is no need to fear wallpaper, an updated wallpaper can enhance a space even as an accent wall. Here are 3 reasons to use wallpaper in your home.
1. Adds Dimension and Print
Adding a print wallpaper to any wall or ceiling adds dimension and pattern that you would not be able to achieve with paint. Yes, I said ceiling! I highly recommend you use a professional if you are considering covering your ceiling.
2. Adds Luxury
Paint is a great option to add color to any space. However, wallpaper takes it a step further and has the ability to add elegance, texture, and a classic touch to a wall surface in order to enhance the space.
3. Adds a Custom Look
The easiest way to create a creative, custom look that you would not see anywhere else is to add wallpaper. Whether you add it to an architectural feature like a column, an accent wall, a ceiling, under a chair rail or your entire room, you are guaranteed to have a space that will be uniquely yours.
The biggest mistake people make is choose a wallpaper that doesn't compliment the design of the space and they end up removing the wallpaper in 5 years because they are tired of the look. Make sure you hire an interior designer who works with a professional installer to assist you in selecting and installing the perfect wallpaper print/texture for your space.
Are you considering using wallpaper but afraid of making a mistake? Let me assist you in elevating your space with my Builder Finish Selections service.
Here's to Stunning Walls!
Do you have reservations about using wallpaper? I would love to hear them. Share in the comments below.