How To Transform your Home Into a Place That Brings you JOY

sitting room design

sitting room design

Home. It’s where we’ve officially spent most of our time in 2020. Our homes are playing new roles this year forcing us to reexamine the function of the spaces around us.

Your home is a representation of you. It should tell your story and be uniquely yours. Even if you’re not in your dream home - maybe you’re in a starter home or in between homes - the interiors of your home can and should service your essential needs and desires. Your home should inspire you, bring you joy, help you feel relaxed, keep you safe, and ultimately showcase your personality - and even your family’s personality.

How do you create this sense of ease and beauty in your home-you maybe asking? Let’s get into some of the practicals of how you can transform your home into a place that brings out your personality while servicing your needs and desires.

Interior Designer, Sabine Guillaume HAyes

Interior Designer, Sabine Guillaume HAyes

  1. Evaluate & Prioritize. Before you can rearrange, design or decorate anything you need to ask yourself what’s important. What are the main things you do at home that are important to you? Does cooking bring you joy? Focus on your kitchen. Do you love to entertain? Start with your dining and living room. Is family time essential to you? Start with a family room. Do you crave rest after working long hours? Start with your bedroom. In addition to focusing on the rooms that are important to you, I also recommend starting with a “self-care” space or a “you” space. Somewhere you can pause, retreat, and getaway for a moment. It can be a corner in your bedroom or a bonus room, dedicate a space where you can pause for a moment to read, pray, journal, meditate, exercise, etc.

  2. Plan. Every project needs a plan. After you’ve evaluated your important rooms-develop a timeline of which ones you would like to complete first with a budget. You may not be able to complete your entire home at once but I highly recommend completing one room at a time. No matter how tempting, complete one room before starting another room. Why? It’s easy to get discouraged when you see portions of a room completed here and there. Think of design as a puzzle: all the pieces need to come together and fit perfectly to create a complete image. If you only have sixty percent of the puzzle complete, you can’t enjoy the full beauty or clarity of the image.

  3. Execute. Once you’ve evaluated the goal of your project, planned a timeline and budget it’s time to design and decorate! This is where you may want to bring in an interior designer to help you put all your needs, desires, and styles together. However, if you are doing-it-yourself here are the steps I recommend taking to complete the design of your room.

    • Break down your plan.

    • Find or create your inspiration.

    • Layout your room - based on the room’s function write down the furnishings you would need.

    • Shop for your items. Invest in your large and most used pieces.

    • Tell your story by pulling all of the room’s components together - color palette, furniture placements, textures and patterns.

before & after of a Sitting Room design in a new construction home

before & after of a Sitting Room design in a new construction home

If you are feeling stuck and cannot figure out what to do next, how to pull everything together or need reassurance and validation of your choices (sometimes you need just an additional set of eyes!) reach out to me. I’m here for you, even if it’s a quick question. All you need to do is ASK SABINE!

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Refresh Your Space With These Spring & Summer Paint Colors

Spring is finally here and it's time to refresh, spruce up, and brighten up your palette! If you are scratching your head around one particular room and don't know how to give it a little change, try upgrading the paint color on the walls and ceiling. 

Sometimes all your room needs is a redesign of the space. Painting is the fastest and most cost effective way to makeover a room without changing the furniture. It has the power to change the tone and mood of your space. Selecting the RIGHT paint color for your room is the biggest challenge my clients have. If you are looking to refresh your room try one of these colors this spring and summer to create an inviting space that you and your guests will enjoy.

My top Paint Color Picks for this Spring and Summer. 

My top Paint Color Picks for this Spring and Summer. 

If you would like to freshen the look of your room this spring but don't know what color would work best for your space, I recommend starting with my online Color Suggestions service to save you time, energy and headache. CLICK HERE.

Comment below with your favorite Spring/Summer paint color choices. Can't wait to see them!

À la prochaine, 






5 Reasons How Paint Can Transform a Room

Painting your walls can change your space for the best or the worst. I love to walk into a space and feel comfortable, excited, happy, relaxed, or even surprised! The reason why I can have those feelings when I walk into a space is because something as simple as a wall color can play a large role in designing a successful room. One of the largest structures in a room are the walls and painting them the right color can MAKE or BREAK the design of your room. 

Have you ever chosen a wall color then paint your walls, place all the furnishings back into the room and feel like you're in a different room? That's because color is one of the most important elements in interior design. I decided to focus on 5 reasons paint can transform your room to a new level visually.

"Choosing the right color, finish, or pattern for your room is key to transforming your space."

1. Creates a Backdrop. Since walls are one of the largest structures in your room, painting them will make a dramatic difference in how your room looks. Design Tip: If prefer to not have the walls the focus of your room then I suggest painting them a neutral color or even white. This will create a backdrop for your key pieces (e.i. artwork, pillows, accent furnishings) to shine. White walls are always a great option if you prefer a fresh, clean look.

2. Adds Pattern and Texture. If you like the idea of adding a focal wall or want to highlight a surface like the floors, ceilings or a column then using a faux finish or special technique with paint can allow you to create a custom pattern or texture that no one else will have. Be sure you consult with your interior designer and paint specialist first. 

A professional faux finisher created a leather-look pattern with paint.

A professional faux finisher created a leather-look pattern with paint.

3. Adds Contrast. A successful room design includes visual interest. Nothing adds more visual interest than contrast. Even if you have a monochromatic color palette, add contrast by using a darker wall color than your floor surface. This will add a layer of interest to the design of your room.

We gave this master bedroom a slight contrast by painting a darker hue on the focal wall.

We gave this master bedroom a slight contrast by painting a darker hue on the focal wall.

4. Adds Color. Color has the power to affect your emotions. It's a good idea to take some time and determine how you want to feel in your room. Warm colors can make a space feel cozy, exciting, playful, and energized. Whereas, cool colors can make a space feel relaxing, soothing, and peaceful.

5. Freshens a Room. A fresh coat of paint is a quick and easy way to liven or freshen your room. New painted walls have a clean and bright layer of finish to them that will add a new look to your room.

If you are frustrated trying to choose a paint color for your room or don't know what will look great with your existing design, this is your time to get your PAINT CONSULTATION for a flat rate! This will save you TIME & HEADACHE. I will choose the right paint color and finish for your walls that will have your guests impressed with your NEW room! Plus your painter will be excited that you finally made a decision! GET STARTED BY CLICKING>>>HERE.

Here's to beautiful colored walls!


P.S. Not located in the Tri State area? No worries, Paint Color Suggestions is an online service offered at a flat rate per room. 

5 Items Under $75 that can Change any Living Room

Happy New Year! Are you ready for a change? It's a New Year so why not spruce up one of the rooms in your home. Let's start with your Living Room! Let's create a new look that reflects your style. Here are some great updates that can change any living room without spending tons of money.

Change your layout. Switching the layout or setup of your existing furniture is one way of giving your room a new look. If your room allows, place your longest piece of furniture (usually the sofa) on the longest wall. This will improve the flow and traffic pattern of the room. FREE

Paint.Paint.Paint. Changing or adding paint to the walls is one of the least expensive ways to create a completely new look to any room. Decide on the mood you want to achieve. For example, to create a relaxing, yet inviting living room think of sage greens or taupes. Since you are using your existing furniture, use some of the colors from your sofa, chairs, and/or loveseat. $30 - 60 gallon

Pillows. Pillows are a key accessory to any room. They can add color, texture, and prints to enhance a room. If you want a new look add a pair of pillows on your sofa and/or a small kidney pillow on an accent chair, if you have one. Don’t be afraid to blend different pillows together. For example, if you are using a swirl pattern pillow on the sofa use a woven textured pillow alongside it to add a contrast. $25 & up  

Display of accent pillows designed by sabine.

Display of accent pillows designed by sabine.

Lamps. Lighting is key to any room, especially the living room where you have company over and where the family gathers. Although your living room may have a ceiling lighting fixture or recessed lights, it is important to add lamps as a task lighting source. Lamps also add to the overall design of the room. Choose a floor lamp to place beside an accent chair and two table lamps on each end table beside your sofa. For a contemporary room, choose a lamp with a rectangular or round shade. For a more traditional room, choose a lamp with a bell shade. If your room is half contemporary and half traditional choose a simple shade like a round or rectangular with a detailed base. $30 & up

Wall Decor. Other than the furniture, the second place that stands out to the eyes are the walls. What you put on your walls and how it is hung defines the style and design of your living room. Focus on the largest or longest wall space in the room and add a collage of family pictures or place a set of 2 - 3 pieces of artwork. Make sure you hang your artwork at eye level, which is typically 4 ½ - 5 feet from the floor depending on the ceiling height. $40 & up

grouping of artwork designed by sabine. looking for custom artwork? LEt us make one for your space. custom artwork.

grouping of artwork designed by sabine. looking for custom artwork? LEt us make one for your space. custom artwork.

Start the New Year with a fresh new Living Room!


Need more help? Let us design your living room with paint colors, furniture layout and a shopping list all for one FLAT RATE. Get your votre chambre by GEORGETTE MARISE TODAY! >>Click here to choose your package.
