How to Revitalize Your Home for the New Year

kitchen island counter centerpiece

As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, there's something invigorating about the idea of a fresh start. The fall decor is faded, the holiday decorations are put away…why does everything look so bare? The beginning of a new year gives you the opportunity to embrace the spirit of renewal by giving your living space a makeover for the upcoming year. In this blog post, we'll explore simple yet impactful ways to refresh your home and infuse it with renewed energy. And guess what? I'm here to offer you the opportunity to have me, your interior designer, at your service for a day!

Embrace a New Color Palette. Start by considering a new color scheme for your space. Whether it's subtle pastels, bold jewel tones, or calming neutrals, a fresh coat of paint or some new accessories in your chosen palette can instantly transform the ambiance.

paint samples

Declutter and Reorganize. Out with the old and in with the organized! Take this time to declutter your home, donating or discarding items that no longer serve you. Reorganize your belongings to create a more functional and visually pleasing environment.

Add Greenery. Bring a touch of nature indoors with houseplants. Not only do they improve air quality, but they also add a vibrant and refreshing element to any room. Consider a mix of small potted plants, succulents, or even a statement indoor tree.


Personalize Your Space. Infuse your personality into your home by incorporating personal touches. Whether it's creating a gallery wall with family photos, displaying travel souvenirs, or hanging handmade art, these elements make your space uniquely yours.

Hire Me as your Designer for a Day

Now, here's the exciting part! How about having a professional interior designer like myself work my magic on your space for a day? I'm offering a limited time service called Ask Sabine! Interior Designer Access where I'll spend a day with you, understanding your vision and transforming your room into a personalized haven.

What's Included:

  • 15-minute Design Call to discuss preferences and goals for your room

  • On-site Visit to assess the space, discuss ideas, and provide immediate recommendations for enhancements or changes (also available virtually)

  • Collaborative Design Session exploring layout options, color schemes, furniture placement, and any other relevant design elements.

  • Styling and Arrangement. Watch as I rearrange and style your furniture and decor to create a harmonious and balanced atmosphere.

  • Shopping Assistance. If desired, we can explore local stores or online options to find the perfect additions to complement your refreshed space.

How to Book:

Ready to kickstart the new year with a revitalized home? Simply click here to reserve your spot!

A new year deserves a fresh and vibrant home to match. By following these simple tips and taking advantage of my exclusive day-long interior design service, you can transform your space into a haven of style and comfort. Let's make this the year your home truly shines!